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          Jingrong Li, Ph.D.

          Chief Technology Officer

          Bringing in over two decades of experiences in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Li was involved in numerous programs of approved drugs and diagnostics. His expertise ranges from process development, quality control validation, scale-up manufacturing to other core technologies related with the upstream & downstream sectors of the industry and led various teams to develop preclinical and clinical batches of different monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic vaccines and recombinant protein products. Prior to GenFleet, Dr. Li was the Chief Technology Officer of CStone Pharmaceuticals and the manager principal scientist of Roche Molecular Systems; besides, he also worked in Simcere and BSK Bio. 

          He received his doctorate degree in China Pharmaceutical University and completed post-doctoral training at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Dr. Li was a professor at China Pharmaceutical University and the distinguished expert of National Medical Products Administration Institute of Executive Development.

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