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          Jiong Lan, Ph.D.

          Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer

          Jiong Lan, Ph.D., boasts more than 20 years of diverse experiences in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. As co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of GenFleet, he takes charge of the company’s major operation and participates in the decision making of the Board of Directors. His drug development expertise spans from medicinal chemistry, drug discovery to development strategy, and has directed dozens of R&D programs of clinical-stage compounds targeting cancers, inflammatory diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases, etc.

          Dr. Lan received his Ph.D. degree from Lanzhou University in China, and has completed post-doctoral research at University of Rochester. After graduation in America, he worked in Traid Therapeutic, Neurogen Corp. and Novartis as a senior researcher and project leader. Later he joined Hengrui Therapeutics in China as the program director of small-molecule drug development. Prior to GenFleet, he served as the general manager of the Shanghai branch of Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, responsible for the R&D system of innovative drugs and the company’s overall operation.

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